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  • 새롬청소년센터

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    A. Greetings

    Thank you for visiting the website of the Sarom Youth Culture Center. This institution is established by Sejong city, as a youth training facility entrusted by Sejong YMCA. This is a place where there are facilities and various programs to help the youth meet their healthy need and to be able to develop and draw their dreams.
    In this process, young people are voluntarily thinking, participating, We want to be together so that we can grow as a person. We are now waiting for the youth. I hope that this place will be more active and brighter for you.

    B. "Sangsang center" Logo of “Saerom Youth Culture Center”

    "Sangsang Center", the meaning of it’s given name of “Saerom Youth Culture Center” "is a place where local youths can enjoy leisure time and culture after school and interact with each other. It means a place where you can freely spread your dreams and imaginations which decided through citizen voting(the opinion of sejong).
    "Sangsang center" logo uses infinite symbols (∞) in the sense that it is a space of infinite imagination of youth.
    The diverse orange color of the logo represents the sweetness and lively youth, green color represents the dreams of growing young people.
    If you look at the meaning of imagination, "Imagination" it means place for imagining, experimenting, and playing.
    And another sense of imagination (upper) means "up, front" and the best of the best. Do not let the young people fall into stress or depression and the meaning of aiming for the best place for the youth.
    In the future, we will try our best to make this place for the youth to be able to freely imagine, overturn common sense and change their ideas.
    From the House Imagination Center of the Saerom Youth Culture
    Going up to the dream,go!
    Make the best space to dream together,go!

    기관명 : 새롬청소년센터 대표 : 허미정 고유번호 : 713-82-00631 주소 : 세종특별자치시 새롬로 14, 2층(새롬동, 새롬종합복지센터)
    한솔상상센터 : 세종특별자치시 한솔동 961 전화번호 : 044-868-7865 팩스번호 044-868-7864 Email : srculture@daum.net